The Conservatives have never been so close to the precipice
Though polls almost always narrow just before an election, 2024 is not normal.
ByA general election allows people in every constituency in the UK to elect an MP to represent them in the House of Commons for up to five years. These are the latest results from opinion polls.
Though polls almost always narrow just before an election, 2024 is not normal.
ByThe definitive forecast model – how the country will vote according to Britain Predicts
ByHow enthused or confident are voters at the prospect of a Keir Starmer government?
BySee how Keir Starmer’s party performs on the key indicators of whether the party will win or lose the next…
Voter perceptions of Keir Starmer and his party have changed for the better.
ByLabour’s stubborn lead suggests the country has already made up its mind about the government.
ByLabour’s by-election landslide has implications for Holyrood, not just Westminster.
ByDespite what Twitter may suggest, it is far too early to speak of a Tory polling recovery.