Who will win the 2024 UK general election?
The definitive forecast model – how the country will vote according to Britain Predicts
ByFind the latest approval ratings of politicians and political figures in the UK.
The definitive forecast model – how the country will vote according to Britain Predicts
BySee how Keir Starmer’s party performs on the key indicators of whether the party will win or lose the next…
Both Labour and the Lib Dems have cause to believe they are best placed to defeat the former Tory cabinet…
BySpeed zones may have turned irritated voters against Welsh Labour – but only temporarily.
ByThe party doesn’t need this seat for a landslide. But it took it anyway.
ByVoter perceptions of Keir Starmer and his party have changed for the better.
ByLabour’s stubborn lead suggests the country has already made up its mind about the government.
ByDespite what Twitter may suggest, it is far too early to speak of a Tory polling recovery.